Notifiable types of cancer

The types of cancer that need to be reported are listed in Annex 1 of the Cancer Registration Ordinance (CRO). A distinction is made between adult patients on the one hand and children and adolescents on the other.

The following types of cancer must be reported in children and adolescents under 20 years of age.

ICD-10 Codes Notifiable cancers
C00-C97 Malignant neoplasms (Except: basal cell carcinoma of the skin)
D00-D03, D05-D09 In situ neoplasms
D32, D33, D35 (D35.2, D35.3, D35.4) Benign neoplasms of the meninges, brain and other parts of the central nervous system and benign neoplasms of endocrine glands of the head/brain (pituitary gland, epiphysis, ductus craniopharyngealis)
D37-D48 Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour (Except: D47.2 Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS))
D61 Unspecified aplastic anaemia
D76* Other unspecified diseases involving lymphoreticular tissue and the reticulohistiocytic system

*D76.2 infection associated haemophagocytic syndrome or D76.3 giant cell reticulohistiocytoma or sinus histiocytosis should not be reported but D76.3  Xanthogranuloma treated with chemotherapy is reportable

Notifiable information

The Cancer Registration Act distinguishes between basic data and supplementary data. The basic data are the same for all cancer patients. Supplementary data must always be reported in addition for children and adolescents under 20 years of age with cancer. This is independent of the type of cancer.

In addition to the personal data required to classify the information correctly (including the AHVN13 number), the date on which the patient was informed and the dates of diagnosis and initial treatment must be reported for all patients. The data recorded during diagnosis and therapy must be reported. Data that are not necessary for diagnosis and therapy should NOT be recorded additionally by the reporting person.

The full data structure according to the Cancer Registration Act for people with cancer in Switzerland can be downloaded here.